Something different

I’m not one for macro type photography. I had a macro lens and since it never came with me on shoots, I ended up selling it. Then, a commission came where I was supposed to take macro type images. I thought I would be just fine without a macro lens and actually, it all worked nicely. But when I had to go back to take some more images, I ended up renting a macro lens. I then thought again about having a macro lens, now with my mirrorless, this lens was actually a lot better than the one I had before with my dslr. Anyway. I still very very rarely use it. But. I gave myself a little challenge and decided to pick it up a bit more this year.

As all things start to happen in the garden but the full picture is still quite bare, I decided to look a bit closer and here are a few little things that I found. I’m still not convinced but I will keep going and capture as many things (flowers, plants, leaves) in the garden as I can.

You actually don’t need a garden to take macro images, the pink muscari and the tulip are all in a single pot. The last muscari grows in the garden. That was my favourite though as I just love how plants grow together (but the light wasn’t great so I’ll return to that clump of muscari happily growing with cow parsley in the most neglected part of the garden, behind the garage, next to the bins. Could you tell?)

I used my preset “dill” for editing these images. You can find it in this preset pack.

.sqs-gallery-block-stacked .image-wrapper img { margin-bottom: 20px; }

In Dartmoor with Joanna Game